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My Joy Is Complete (Part 1 & 2)

Juanita E. L. Cameron

THE MESSAGE ... Part 1

Back in February, on the 2nd to be precise, as I was sitting at the edge of my bed, I heard the voice of the Lord speaking calmly to my spirit saying, "And Your Joy Shall Be Complete". I picked up my pen and journal to write this confirmation of a personal mantra I have adopted as part of my habitual self-affirmations in 2018, but then I felt a nudge to pick up my Sermons Notebook and there it was that the Lord downloaded into my spirit, my mind and through my being this timely message for me to share with you.


On my way driving home, earlier this month - as if the Lord really wants me to fully experience this Message first, He downloaded a beautiful song of assurance into my heart which I sing at the beginning and end of the Sermon last week. God willing, I hope to release a studio done Single of "My Joy Is Complete" - in the meanwhile, you can worship along with me by listening to it in the Sermon video from last week.

(See link below).


There are many killjoys out here in the world today, as I think about the political climate here in the US of A, I have to seriously remind myself that my Joy Shall Be Complete, right here and in the land of the living. I started this message last week Sunday (April 15, 2018) but it was so heavy and overloading, God was upgrading what He gave me even as I was teaching/preaching, I could not finish.


Well, Daddy, I surely didn't go over time (inside joke between my Father and I, as to who preaches longer) ... you see the thing is, I've not preached that often on a Sunday Morning and when the Lord gives me a Message, it is a full message from heaven, equipped with Scriptures and examples, even a little humor and all ... the urge to get through it all, is always on my mind. Last week, however, I decided, no way, I cannot race through this Message and mess up what God wants to do for His people. So today, I'll be continuing the second part that speaks to the Benefits of Living In Complete Joy!

Here's my outline - click here - so you can follow along, if you are tuned in live.

If you missed last week's Message, you can watch it here on my YouTube Channel - would you be a darling and subscribe to my channel. I'll be uploading more messages and inspirational videos.


Lives were transformed, yokes broken, joy secured in Jesus and the children of God spurred on to enter into #RestfulConfidence

THE MESSAGE Part 2 - LIVE Stream

View today's Service and Sermon via my church's social media platforms:

Check back later today for more photos and updated video link for Part 2 ...


My Prayer for you is that you will Abide in The Father and let Him abide in you ... for when you allow Him to prune off the killjoys, then you will bud and bear fruit and blossom ... He is only saying so and doing so, that your joy may be in Him and that it will be full i.e. COMPLETE!! John 15:1-11

May Your Joy Forever Be Complete

In JEsus MightY Name!


Partner With Me for Kingdom Expansion through

Music That Frees and Humanitary Support Efforts


xoxo - Minister JelC

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @MissJelC


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