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I've been crushed ... but I'm becoming like fine wine 🍷

Juanita E. L. Cameron

It's been a while, so I am dusting off my Blog and getting back into the routine of writing and sharing. Life's been very busy, but it's not excuse, I must make time for what's important. One of the things that's important to me is this blog - sharing and inspiring, but most of all leaving legacy nuggets that my children's children will read for many many years after I am long departed, pass my 120th year of life on earth.

I rejoice this year, especially, because after all the circumstances, crushing, disappointments and let downs, my family and I are still standing - to God be the glory. It was a wonderful moment when my sister Adele visited our homeland after so many years. She did us proud and I am really happy that she was able (for a change) to represent the family :).


So this year, I've challenged myself to read at least 10 books. To help me get started, I read my Dad's 1st published book "Don't Allow Your Circumstances To Constrain You" -- and can I just say, it's an awesome read.

Get your copy here

Not just because he's my Daddy, but because the words embody his life's experiences, coupled with the overcoming testimonial from the life of Ruth. She was definitely facing some rough circumstances that could have totally crushed her, but thanks be to God, she was able to rise above it, by launching out by faith.

I've been listening to Terri recently, Cheerleader of Dreams, and she said something that really hit the spot. Routine!!! ROUTINE!!! ROUTINE!! is one of the key components in the life of Successful People.

So my routine has updated and part of that includes increased reading. My reading list for this year comprise ls of authors such as: Oswen F. Cameron, TD Jakes, John Maxwell, Dave Ramsey, Daniel Okpara, Cindy Trimm, Rick Warren among other upcoming authors.

As I read and feed my mind's appetite for understanding and increased wisdom, as well as knowledge, I am so inspired by these recent additions. It's said (not exactly like this) - if you want to hide information from people, put it in a book. I refuse to be among "those people", so I read, learn and do my best to apply. Recently, like 3 years now, I've been feeling a little on the dull side and more recently, a little ineffective, out-of-focused and kind of in my own way. Order and structure are key elements of my routine that helped me to be who I am and keep me thriving successfully, so it is time to get in formation. These authors have all been through some form of crushing, circumstantial disadvantage, setback and journey to be where they are today -- if they could, then so can I.

What are you reading this year? Let me know, maybe we can share ideas.



Today, I just want to wish my beloved Father a very Happy Birthday ... truly he has risen above some serious circumstances, and now he's soaring. I am super proud of you Daddy - if you ever read my blogs. I pronounce a First Born Blessing upon you for today and onward for the rest of your years, till 120 and more as The Lord sees fit. May you experience and enjoy, good health, success, favor, prosperity, sharp memory, freedom of motion in your limbs, renewed strength and vitality, increased ministry triumphs, long life and happy satisfaction. Love always, Your 1st Born - Lorelei.

As if, one card was not enough, I went ahead and got another card, fun one that says my Dad's #1 and thanks to his #1 Daughter for making him a great Dad. :)

Cherish the times and moments you, even when the circumstances seem to want to crush you to dust and know that in due season you shall emerge as fine wine.


What I've been Up To Lately Financially ---

I started a Savings Challenge -- back in 2016, with a group of ladies; and I formed Frugal Sisterhood (where we did the 52 Weeks Savings Challenge with a twist). Even though we didn't officially continue, I've maintained the Frugal Savings and continue to use various methods, coupled with the tools I learned from Dave Ramsey to save. Since hosting Financial Peace 9 Weeks Course last year at my church's L.I.F.E. College, and this year, with my sister in training Lay Leader Sis. C. Powell to become a coordinator, I've thought about relaunch the sisterhood. If you'd like to join me, please by all means let me know and I'll send you the details. We are stronger together, and there is better accountability/support when you have someone in your corner. If you're superwoman and can do it on your own - good for you, that's fine too. Here are a few Savings Challenges I found on Pinterest that I found useful, maybe you can try one and let me know how it works for you - let me know which one you like most:

I am doing the 90 Day Challenge, I want to increase my sinking and emergency fund. What would you use a Savings Challenge for?


So, what have you been up to lately? Share with me, I'd love to hear from you.

Continue to be inspired and spurred on, I am praying for you that your dreams will become reality and that no matter how crushed you may feel, you will emerge as fine wine!


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