Uncommon Open Doors Of Double Favor
Focus Scriptures: Psalm 103:1-5, Matthew 6:9-10, 1 John 5:14, Psalm 63:1-11, Psalm 18:1-, Zephaniah 3:20
Last month we PUSHED our way through uncommon open doors; and even on the very last day of the month, we were still seeing answers to prayers. I heard the voice of the Lord saying, He’ll Do It Again: God will grant us double favor and grace in the month of October. What didn’t get to happen in September, will happen in October, in double portions.
As we continue to PUSH - pray until something happens, press until something happens, persevere until something happens, praise until something happens for the remainder of 2018 - may October find us doubly favored and helped.
In this life, we need favor. Favor opens doors for us that we ,ordinarily, would never walk through; and it is the secret to uncommon success. The divine purpose of favor is to enable us to achieve our life's assignments (purpose) in the earth. Dr. Mike Murdock, in his book 7 Hidden Keys to Favor (sow on favor vol. 17) says, “wise men study the law of favor”. This October month, add to your devotional time, meditation on the following laws and facts to remember when desiring favor:
Favor is a gift from God. Isaiah 1:19
Favor is when God causes someone to desire to become a problem-solver in your life. Isaiah 60:10-11, 64:1
Favor is an attitude of goodness toward you, not an exchange or payment for something you have done. Proverbs 1:10, 5:3-5
Favor is the divine way to success. 3 John 1:2, Psalm 5:12
Favor is an attitude designed to reveal the heart. Psalm 90:14-17
Favor is an exception to the rule, not a normality. Psalm 127:1
Favor is the willingness, desire and participation of someone to help you advance or obtain something you want. 2 Samuel 9:1-17, Genesis 6:8
Favor is current, always moving toward you or away from you. Luke 1:30,38
Favor is a gift from God to enable you to achieve your assignment. Esther 4:14
Favor with others is necessary to complete your assignment from God. Exodus 31:6, Psalm 90:17, 2 Peter 1:3-4
Favor is proof the Love of God is greater than any other feeling He has towards us. Psalm 30:5, Isaiah 61:1-2
Favor will increase dramatically when you aggressively cooperate with the laws of God. Exodus 33:12-14, Psalm 84:11, Ephesians 1:11
Wise hearts search for opportunities to sow favor. Psalm 112:5, Proverbs 20:7, Psalm 90:17,Matthew 6:33
Any good seed guarantees eventual favor … even years after it is planted. Esther 6:11
Individual Prayer: Psalm 103:1-5, Matthew 6:9-10
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the blessings, harvests and miracles of last month. Today, I praise You for bringing me safely to the new month of October. I appreciate You for keeping me through the past months in 2018, and I will continue to pour forth praises from my lips for Your hand of protection upon me, throughout this month and the upcoming months. Receive all my glory, my adoration, my worship, my glad tidings unto Your Name, forever and ever, in Jesus Name.
Father, thank You for Your goodness and Your mercies. Thank you for mighty victories, testimonies, harvests and breakthrough of the passed quarters, in Jesus Name.
Father, I ask that You establish Your rule and reign in my life, in my family, in my career, in my marriage and relationships, and all that I do, in this month of October, O Lord in Jesus Name.
O Lord, I ask that You establish Your perfect plan and purpose for my life, in this month of October, in the Name of Jesus.
Hear me oh month of October, let the plans, purposes, agenda, rule and reign of the enemy, in and for my life, be frustrated, now, in Jesus’ Name.
Corporate Prayer: Psalm 18:1-6, 16-19, 28-30, Psalm 103:1-5
Thank You Lord for everything you did and gave to us from January to September, 2018. Thank You Abba Father for the gift of life, thanks for the gift of healing, thanks for the gift of promotion, thanks for help, thanks for Your mercy, thanks for Your compassion upon our lives, upon our church and our nation, as well as the nations of our birth. Blessed be Your Name Lord, now and forever more.
Father, we ask for Your rule and reign to be established in our church, our families, our leadership, our businesses, and our nation, in this month of October, in Jesus’ Name.
Oh Lord, we ask that You establish and manifest Your perfect plan and purpose for Your church - Lighthouse Ministries International and all her branches and affiliates, in this month of October, in Jesus’ Name.
Hear us oh month of October, we frustrate the plans, purpose, agenda, rule and reign of the enemy in our church, in our families, in our finances, in our activities, for our programs, and our business ventures and partners, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
Abba Father, Creator of the entire universe, we ask that You establish Your rule, establish Your reign and establish Your agenda, establish Your plans in the United States of America and the nations of the world, in this month of October, O Lord in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Lord for answers to our prayers, thank You Lord for provision of harvests, promotions, testimonies and triumph over temptations and circumstances that may try to constrain us, in this month of October, in Jesus Name.
October is the 10th month, and 10 is a multiple of 5, which means grace; and grace includes favor, unmerited exemption and divine blessings that we don’t deserve. I declare that this month shall be a month of DOUBLE GRACE and FAVOR for me and for you. It is with our mouth, we make confessions and declarations - our words have the power to form or destroy of our future; so with our mouths make these confessions/declarations over October based on Psalm 63 & 18:
Individual Declarations
O God, You are my God in this month of October, so satisfy the thirsting of my soul and the longings of my flesh for You.
The month of October shall favor me; it shall favor my ______________________ (list the areas you need favor)
Because Your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You, my life shall bless You, my hands shall always be lifted up in Your Name, because You shall satisfy me with double fatness and double joy in this month.
When I go to sleep, I shall remember the Lord and meditate on Him during the night time, because I am helped.
In the shadows of God’s wings, I shall rejoice this month of October, because I am doubly favored.
The right hand of God shall uphold me in this month of October, and my soul shall follow The Lord my God, closely.
Those who seek my life to destroy my destiny, to kill my legacy and to steal my joyful existence from this earth; they instead, and all their generations and agents shall be swallowed up in various parts of the earth, this month of October, in Jesus Name.
They that raise their swords to strike down my marriage and relationships, my children, my family, my career, the works of my hands; and to pierce my life unto death, they shall instead fall by their own sword and become portions for jackals/foxes, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
The Lord shall be a light to my lamp, for He will enlighten me, in this month of October, and remove every form of darkness from me, in Jesus Name.
The Lord shall be my shield this entire month of October, because I trust in Him; He will cause me to rise up triumphantly; He will endow me with strength to leap over walls and every obstacle that may rise up before me in this month; in the Name of Jesus.
Corporate Declarations
This month of October, we shall see the power and glory of Jehovah in the Sanctuary at Lighthouse Ministries International, and all LHMI Sanctuaries across the world.
The month of October shall favor us; it shall favor our ______________________ (list the areas you need favor)
The month of October shall make us to rise up speedily, in health, in wealth, in strength, with provision, by promotion and with complete joy.
In the month of October, every supply belonging to us, shall be released unto us, and the enemies holding up our supply of answers, harvests, health, wholeness, favor, provision, promotions, breakthrough and all good things promised to us - they shall lose their peace and lose sleep until what is our comes into our hands; in Jesus Name.
The month of October shall meet us and bring us double favor from uncommon strange places, by divine interventions, in Jesus Name.
I prophesy divine direction for the United States of America and command the prince of Persia to loose our archangel and let him go, that he may deliver the people and children of God from destruction coming to the nation, in Jesus Name.
Angels shall fight for us in this Nation and the heavens shall hear us and answer us with peace, and scatter our enemies in Jesus Name.
We shall escape every snear, dagger, trap, noose, and cage set to suppress us, depress us, capture us, oppress us, resist our lifting; we return every arrow shot towards us to afflict us with unnecessary struggles, diseases, delays, detours, distraction and destruction, in this month of October, BACK TO SENDER, in Jesus Name.
Our Divine leaders shall rejoice in God, as the Kings, and we who swear by Jehovah, shall glory and triumph in this month of October, in Jesus Name.
O God, our support, deliver us, this month of October from strong enemies, from those who hate us, from those who were too strong for us and do not let calamity confront or conquer us, because we trust in You.
The Lord our great defender, our buckler, our shield, and our defense shall deliver unto us in this month of October, large harvests of and through uncommon open double doors of favor - for He delights in us.
God bless you,
xoxo - Miss JelC
Min. Juanita E. L. Cameron
Monthly Fasting & Prayer
Lighthouse Ministries International, Inc.
Maryland, USA.
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