GOD WILL MAKE A WAY for us ...

Starting tomorrow at 10am EST I will be posting weekly/regularly within the week, PUSH PRAYER COMMANDS for the month of September and the ember months of 2018.
So Get Set ... we will end this year strong, triumphant, radiant, overcomers, succeeding, everyday with the help of Holy Spirit.
If you have not subscribed yet, then scroll to the bottom of this post or visit my website here and subscribe so you'll be among the 1st to join me each Prayer Moment.
Here is a little motivation and spur on ...
When Daniel was ordered to keep silent and a wicked order was passed by his own friend the King, a setup by enemies of Daniel, to shut him up...what did he do?
He fought that temptation to give up God because it seemed as though God was taking too long to answer. Daniel, however, decided that he will PRESS ON and He kept Praying Until Something Happened.
Such devout devotion (yes, I know, it's redundant, but you get the point) gave Daniel really close connection proximity to The One ALONE who could make a way. Well, God did exactly that, made a way to escape the jaws of death for His Prayer PUSHer. That's the best pusher to be ... by the way (you'll get the pun later or in the reread).
As I listened to this beautiful song (click here ) received by God and written by the Senior Pastor, Dr. Paul Enenche, my heart was made glad and my spirit leaps with fervor because God will NEVER ALLOW me to be defeated!!
God Will Make A Way to escape for us this month, this quarter, this season and the rest of this year from every embargo, long standing situation, diseases, assassins and agents of the devil and death itself before our expected end i.e. ripe old age past 100 years!!
This week, as we press forward, push on and persevere in prayer by faith, I am here to testify that God will create ways for us to triumph.
Daily Confession Challenge:
Everyday from this moment and the rest of this month, stand in front the mirror (whilst you're getting ready or just admiring your own good looks), in the shower, on the john, during your commute to work or school and repeat the following prayer:-
1. Today I will Push past every limitation set for me, because of the greater He - Jesus living inside of me, I have the strength to push unto success. I Push!!
2. Today I Press my way through every obstacle set to keep me from having good success today and rising to the top. I Press!!
3. Today I Persevere with patience and faith that I shall finish well and receive good reports, God who began a good work in me is patiently faithful to complete it ALL in me. I Persevere!!
4. Today I shall Praise and celebrate through out the day for my joy shall be complete and my victories permanent. I Praise!!
Beloved, we shall receive every good harvest and blessing laid up for us because God will make a way of escape for us ... He will never allow what will conquer us to confront us.
xoxo - Miss JelC 🌹
Min. Juanita E. L. Cameron
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