O Lord reestablish open doors of uncommon proportions of goodness and happy satisfaction according to Psalm 1 for this month and the rest of 2018.
Last month, we saw the Hand of The Lord “Do It Again” with testimonies of healing, answered prayers, documents that were held up released, denials turned into approvals, wickedness of evil doers exposed and put to shame instead, favor in the midst of storm, outpouring of gifts and a reaping of harvests … so many good reports that the ill reports of July do not outweigh the good God did again and again.
As I was before the Lord seeking His face and voice for guidance for August; it seemed as though every possible thing could go wrong, distracting emotions, frustrating weather patterns, as feelings of disappointment tried to thicken the air above and around me; BUT God – The Uncreated Creator, created a way out!! The garment of praise is indeed a potent weapon against the spirit/feelings of heaviness - try it!
More and more, I come to realize that this life is an uncommon one, filled with uncommon journeys, you know, uncommon strange routes, filled with twists and turns, potholes and speed bumps … but Benevolent Jesus never abandons. Even when the walls seem not to fall down … persist, the seventh day is coming. Just like he children of Israel pressed each day for 7 days, and then for 7 times on the 7th day - I feel like I could seriously relate as July was coming to a close - keep at it, the walls will come down. Definitely, it has become much clearer - He who began a good work in me in January is STILL ABLE to complete it in February, March, April, May, June, and even July. So, now, battle scars and all, I ask the Lord to Begin Again! His promises still stand, great is His faithfulness … He’s never failed me, yet, and I never will forget. So Do It Again Jesus, but this time begin again with me - renew within me a correct spirit and attitude that helps prepare me for what's ahead in life.
In the last 7 months, there may have been days when your faith plummeted to the ground or below the ground; you thought by now this Jericho wall of Not-Enough would have fallen down; stressful job would have somehow become more bearable and grace to endure would have kept you – instead, it only seems to get worse; or you thought perhaps that marital / relational situation would have turned around, because somewhere inside, there is hope for a change; or at least by now, the plans you had set out to accomplish from January to July would have been executed seamlessly.
Hey, I’m right there with you, you are not alone in this struggle, for behold your sister (and brothers) around the world face the same or similar persecution. TODAY, though, on this 1st day of August, I have come to help you see that all is not lost, YOU CAN BEGIN AGAIN!
As the Lord liveth, I heard Him so clearly (whilst in my inspirational place) say, BEGIN AGAIN!! So, we had 7 months to complete the first phase of 2018, now as we are getting ready to Birth Forth into Complete Joy of Reestablished Uncommon Open Doors – let’s set the record straight and Begin Again in:
Prayer – regular postures of prayer, praise and supplication
Fasting added to prayer.
Belief by Faith that God will DO IT AGAIN i.e. as He came through before, He will again
Giving of self, time, labor, resources, will, ideas, skills, love, worship
Trusting that The Covenant Keeper – Jesus – IS indeed your Helper
Confidence with hope in the promises of God expressed in Psalm 1.
Commitment with consistent reliance on God to full process/journey of 2018 with expectations of a good future according to Jeremiah 29:11-12
How do I begin again?
Glad you asked …
We’ll start with # 1 – Prayer. This is the type of prayer that requires you to understand postures or prayer positions for the battles ahead or in front of you. I often wondered why people walk around a lot, shake, jump up and down, and do all manner of movements when they pray? Have you ever wondered?
Well, thank God for divine revelation. While personally seeking knowledge about the various prayer postures and how they move The Lord or demonstrate my deep desire to connect with Abba Father, I came across the illustration below (in a google search).

I want to encourage you to read the scriptures for yourself – click here for all scriptures – and you will see the various postures had various meanings in prayer and moved God in various ways.
This month, as we prepare to go full speed ahead into August, let us BEGIN AGAIN with a different prayer posture, each time we go before The Almighty God.
Join me in prayer this month of New Beginning, by praying this:
Dear Lord, I come to you today, in the Name of Jesus – the only true and living Son of God, who gave up His life so that I might find life and have it more abundantly in this earth and in heaven.
I come with thanksgiving, lifting up my hands to you, praising you with an open heart, bowing before Your Majesty – The One who promises and fulfills. There is none like You, Lord, there is no God but You for me. Hear my supplications, forgive my sins as I forgive those who sinned against me; wash me clean and Uncreated God, create in me a pure heart, renew – begin again – a correct spirit within me; do not cast me away from Your present but restore – begin again – unto the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me [Psalm 51:10-12].
Today I enter your courts with praise to be seated before You, who has brought me thus far: to August 2018, alive, and well, healthy and prosperous, safe and securely hidden in the palm of Your hands. I will continue to stand up and praise Your Name from everlasting to everlasting for You are God who changes not; O my Covenant Keeper – help me to Begin Again!
Hey, I am right here believing with you that God heard your prayers and this month: you shall testify and birth forth afresh with greater victories, greater testimonies, magnificent breakthroughs and miracles, fulfilled promises, answered prayers, rescues from the grip of evil, a divine catapulting to phenomenal destiny heights that no man can take the glory but God will happen for you and the same for me.
By our mouths we can speak life or death, so let’s BEGIN AGAIN and declare life for this month and the rest of 2018.
Begin Again Declarations:
Every plan and plot of hell raised against me before, God will cancel and bring them to naught this month and in the rest of 2018; in Jesus Name.
I lose confusion into the plans of hell and every demonic cycle for this month and the rest of this year. No plan of hell will be successful against my life. When it comes to me, the enemy will be confused – his plans won’t work against me. Greater is HE – Jesus – who is within me, therefore the enemy’s plans that worked before, won’t work this month and the rest of 2018.
Whatever will cause me to stumble, fall, give or quit will not work this month and the rest of 2018, because The Covenant Keeper – Jesus is my Helper.
The grace to experience more than enough is mine to take hold of this month, and for the rest of 2018. Uncommon doors are swinging open for me this month and beyond.
Whenever I spread open my hands to praise God this month, Heaven will release uncommon mind blowing harvests for me.
Because I am blessed, I am fortunate, I am prosperous, I am favored by God; I will not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor sit in the seat of evildoers, this month.
The power to begin again is mine because I am a new creature in Christ Jesus and all the old things of previous months that the enemy used to depress me, discourage me, delay me, distract me or divert my destiny, they won’t work this month and beyond, for I am made new in Christ Jesus.
In this new month of August, I begin again as a tree firmly planted and fed by streams of waters, yielding fruits, harvests in this season. My life shall not wither because of doubts, arrows of the enemy, familial struggles – what worked against me in the past will not work against me this season – they wither up and die instead. My Joy SHALL be complete!
Much love, grace and peace,
xoxo – Miss JelC
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