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Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

Writer's picture: Juanita Cameron (Ms. JelC)Juanita Cameron (Ms. JelC)

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Just happy to celebrate the birth of Jesus and prepare to ring in the new year. 

Ending My Year Strong, is on the forefront of my mind, heart, soul and spirit... and as I started to think and pray about the changes I want to see happen in the new year for me and those around me, my spirit became grateful. 

In preparing to leap forward, I looked back for a moment to just say, THANK YOU  Abba Father ... This year >> 2017<< has been a most successful year in spite of circumstances and the like ... for through it all, I've really learned to trust in Jesus.

Here are 17 things I'm grateful for this year:

My life - I'm alive today because of God's keeping grace and fresh mercy everyday. My life matters. I'm a temple and I will continue to preserve myself.

My right mind - this mind in me must be of Christ, 'cus Lord knows some times I thought I was gonna lose it.

Provision - Jehovah Jireh has really been my total source. When man's flow of favor ended, God still came through for me.

Favor - in so many areas, especially in finances and business.

The Voice Of God - speaking to me and not departing. Telling me what to do, where to go, when to go, how high to jump... just being my voice of reason.

Family - when others forsake you, family always remains. 

Not taking my family, relatives and friends forgranted - for the same reason as #6

Increased Spiritual Sensitivity - able to discern spiritual things and see more in the spiritual than the natural.

Health and Safety - I'm grateful for the services of medical professionals who advised me and worked with me this year to achieve healthy lifestyle goals. As the hills around Jerusalem so The Lord has surrounded me and my loved ones and associates with protection.

Healing and Deliverance - for my Mom who is now a Champion over Cancer; for my own body -- full and complete healing is mine from all infirmities now and forever more.

Psychological Advancement - I was able to read and follow good materials that spurred me unto good works, bearing harvests in the way I speak, write and assimilate concepts, giving me witty inventions and innovations ideas.

Ability to sow - seeds of time, finances, love, care, support, blessings of life, charity. Everyday we have an opportunity to reap a harvest when we open our hands and sow a seed -- anything in your hand is a seed. I will never be broke another day in my life as long as God has my seed.

People who care - I've seen more care and support this year and I'm grateful for the little notes, old school hand shakes or just support for my ministry and business.

Forgiveness and release - both received and demonstrated. When least expecting the ones who've wronged me came back to not just set the record straight but to genuinely seek my forgiveness and right the wrongs. My heart was made glad this year that God saw it fit to afford me two particular occasions to express forgiveness for transgressions and O walk freely without malice or bitterness. I'm going to heaven!!!

Joy unspeakable - even in the low moments of the year, I was able to count it ALL joy because I know where my strength comes from -- the Lord Jehovah Ezer. No matter how low a moment I've had this year, I was always able to turn it around and give thanks. Phil 4:6

Rest and Vacation - I am truly grateful for the opportunity to rest and Vacation this year solo and with company. This year I was a little more out of the routine and actually spent a little more time with me. I always help everyone else and sometimes have placed myself on the back burner, but this year, it felt really exhilarating to put me first more.

Dreams Fulfilled - released my album for Music That Frees #BeStill ... and the testimonies are so inspiring and encouraging. I'm a totally blessed. When the set time comes for God to promote you, He makes even your enemies to be at peace with you and gives you favor. I have blessed assurance ... the bestest is even yet to come. Vision Board fulfilments: improved lifestyle and fashion, travel, debts paid off, more sleep, routine and discipline, insight for business improvements and so much more.

What are your highlights for this 2017?

As we prepare to enter 2018, let's not become weary in well doing. Wait patiently upon The Lord and He will incline His ears unto your pleas and have mercy upon you. 

Don't carry over into 2018 baggage from 2017, let God OVERTURN it and bring what is rightfully yours (mine) into your (my) hands. Ezekiel 21:27

No matter what comes up, stirs up, shows up, or rises up ... just #BeStillAndKnow that God will never abandon you... Psalm 125:2 --- just trust Him.

Have a wonderful remainder of 2017 ... see on the other side of December >> January 2018.

Let's cast visions together at my next Vision Board Party Dec. 30.2017 (registration link on my website).

XOXO - MissJelC 

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