Welcome beloved to a Brand New Spanking Month: December.
This month is very special to me always, it is the time set aside to focus moreso than any other time on my Savior's birth.
Hadn't Jesus been born, I'd be dead by now.
Today's economy and world order won't allow us the grace to make regular sacrifices for our sins ... Abba Father seer of all things, saw this years in advance, after He IS Alpha (beginning) and He IS Omega (ending). I just want to express my gratitude for God sending us Jesus, to redeem and save us from eternal damnation through His shed blood.

For now though, I just want to reminisce Baby Jesus ... and celebrate the fact that he was born and in spite of the circumstances surrounding His birth, dead warrant out for all make babies, no room in the inn and so much more ... His life had promise, purpose and potential -- so he pressed through as Mary pushed and out He came - SAVIOR OF THE WORLD.
Joy to the world, The Lord is come ... let earth receive her King.
Thank You Jesus for being born -- my King. This #CHRISTMAS remember the real reason: Jesus Birthday Anniversary and sing Gloria, Adore Him, Give Him Glory for He IS Christ The Lord of All.

Just #BeStill and Know that He is God and He inhabits our praises and celebrations of Him.
Have A Very Merry Christmas - Miss JelC
Be Still Album Release is happening this weekend: Dec. 10. 2017Â
When: at 10am @Lighthouse Ministries International 10727 Tucker Street, Beltsville MD during Morning Worship
When: 6pm @Grace United Methodist Church, 7001 New Hampshire Avenue, Takoma Park MD where I will be the featured Artiste.
Pre-order your CDs today on my website
via Upcoming Events.

I'll be LIVE tonight 7pm EST for Be Still & Chill hangout -- the story behind "Be Still.
Catch me live via www.facebook.com/missjelc