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Pulled Out From The Pit

Juanita E. L. Cameron

This is The Day The Hath Made, Let Us Rejoice And Be Glad ... Glad that He brought us out from the miry clay... may our feet be pulled and planted upon solid rock and our ways be established by God. When God establishes you, you will not fail, for underneath you will be His everlasting wings carrying you through. Today, I decree that you are being pulled (by force or gentle nudges) from every pit you may find yourself in in 2017. Your set time has come to GET OUT of every pit!! As the 1st month of the latter part of 2017 comes to a close soon, don't stay in the pits of the former. Pits of shame, reproach, disappointment, delays, set ups, depression, anxiety, debts, bitterness, fleshly reactions, doubt, fear, wrong company, lack, purposelessness, stress and worry, sickness, broken heartedness. God wants to pull you out!

Will you let him? Here are some ways you can let God: 1. Pray Without Stopping. Every chance you get, remind God in prayer with thanksgiving that you are depending on Him to set you free from _______ [name the pit (s)]. It's okay to cry. Set aside time to really pour your heart out to God and tell Him for real all the dirt of your pit. 2. Be Patient, God Will Hear You. In Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined his ears to me, and heard my cry." Waiting time is growing time, is crying time, praying time, building time, fool proofing time, healing time. Sometimes in the loneliness of our pits is where we find God and realize it's only He can bring out clean from all the muck and mire of shame, disgrace, betrayal, let down, rejection. Why so downcast O my soul put your hope in God. [Psalm 42:11] 3. Have Faith. You please God and move Him to action when you BELIEVE in and on Him. Without faith we cannot please God [Hebrews 11:6] and a pleased God is left without hesitation to intervene on the behalf of him or her who believes in Him. There will be days your faith may dwindle, but never let it die. [John 14:1] 4. Don't stop dreaming. Be confident about your divine destination on earth. Make God your delight and He will grant you your heart's desire because He is pleased to deliver you. Read Psalm 16: 1-2; 9-11. Don't stop dreaming (believing. hoping. trusting. expecting) that your joy (happiness, satisfaction, relief, reward, pleasures) will be forever more. I decree and declare that you will NOT have a better yesterday in Jesus Name. 5. Know and Rest On God's Promises. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. [2 Peter 3:9] I decree today that those responsible for putting you in the pit will be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion, they who seek to destroy your life; l declare that they will be driven backward and you brought forward; I declare that they will be brought to dishonor who wish you evil, in Jesus Name. [Psalm 40: 13-14]. Know that your set time to be pulled will surely come. Cast every concern, worry, anxiety of the pit you are in on The Lord, He cares [1 Peter 5:6-7 AMP] and watch Him deliver you. 6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [set aside self-righteous pride], so that He may exalt you [to a place of honor in His service] at the appropriate time, 7 casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. 1 PETER 5:6‭-‬7 AMP GET OUT AND STAY OUT!! When God gets you out, He will do some things: [Psalm 40:1-4 NKJV, 1 Peter 5:8-9] 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NIV) 8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 1 PETER 5:8‭-‬9 AMP Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. But resist him, be firm in your faith [against his attack--rooted, established, immovable], knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world. [You do not suffer alone.] 1. He will bring you out and clean you up. If you could have clean up your mess, you won't be in the pit this long. He will establish your steps that you will not walk into another pit. [Psalm 40:2]. 2. He will set you. When God sets you up, no man can set you down. When God puts you up, you no man can cut you down. When God plants your feet, no man can pluck them up. The only hindrance to you being pulled from the pit is you. Get out of your own way and let God do the set up. Let Him establish you, when you come and when you go. If He does it, then you won't find yourself in the pit again, and if you do, you'll be out of there in no. [1 Peter 5:10] 1 Peter 5:10 KJV But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 1 Peter 5:10 AMP After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be]. 3. He Will Make You New. God promises, that once you cry before Him, are patiently waiting, when He hears the cry of the one who believes on Him, WILL repay those tears with new songs, new joy, elevation, blessings and answers. [Psalm 40:3 & 4a] Don't be afraid of them, don't be afraid of the devil who will try to resurface pit memories. Read Psalm 27:1-5 ... you are too high upon a rock to be brought down, don't bring yourself down either. I declare today, your shame and disgrace are ended. You will live in your own land (good marriage, happy singleness, life and not a pit). Your wealth will be doubled (like Joseph). You will not carry pit behavior, scars, looks, smell, taste nor reproach of your pit in Jesus Name. I decree that your joy will last forever. Amen. [Isaiah 61:7] Like Joseph, don't give up hope on your dreams, aspirations, faith in God, stay resolute that you will GET TO YOUR DIVINE DESTINATION here on earth. Your set time is now, your appointed time is now, it's not too late to start believing, trusting, hoping and knowing that you can #BePulled. Rob the grave (a pit) of your untapped talent, gifts, skills and potential. Be blessed, TODAY is your day to #bepulledout from #thepit .... Be #Pulled in Jesus Name! Let's stay connected Follow me on IG • FB • TW @MissJelC

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